android Error Message: emulator-arm.exe has stopped working - Stack Overflow

android - Error Message: emulator-arm.exe has stopped working - Stack Overflow:

Esta tactica funciona:

Go into the AVD folder (example: C:\Users\\avd\phone.avd)
Open the "config.ini" file in Wordpad.
Modify the 'partition' and 'ram' lines to end in "MB" (See below for the proper syntax changes)
ORIGINAL: disk.dataPartition.size=512M

MODIFIED: disk.dataPartition.size=512MB

ORIGINAL: hw.ramSize=1024

MODIFIED: hw.ramSize=1024MB

Save the file, and then run the emulator again (e.g. "emulator.exe -avd phone"). You must repeat this process for each of your AVDs."

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